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Pricing and fees

  • How-to

    Airbnb service fees

    To help Airbnb run smoothly and to cover the costs of the products and services we provide, we charge a service fee when a booking is confirmed.
  • How-to • Guest

    How pricing works

    How the total price of a reservation is calculated
  • How-to • Guest

    Service fee refunds

    The service fee is refundable as long as all of the criteria are met. Find out more about what is needed to receive a refund.
  • How-to • Guest

    Add dates to your search for accurate pricing

    Some Hosts have custom prices that override the default or minimum price for specific dates or time periods (including holidays, weekends, and longer reservations).
  • How-to • Guest

    Why some prices are crossed out

    We cross out prices to show that the Host is offering a deal. A price will only be crossed out if it’s a true discount—it has to be at least 10% lower than usual.
  • How-to • Guest

    Displaying total price

    Learn how guests can view one total price for listings, including all fees, before taxes.
  • How-to

    Collecting fees outside Airbnb

    Generally, hosts may not collect any additional fees or charges outside the Airbnb platform unless expressly authorized by Airbnb.
  • How-to • Guest

    Nightly rate is different when extra dates are added

    If you submitted a change request to your Host and they accepted, your reservation will be updated to reflect the changes at your Host’s current daily rate.
  • How-to • Guest

    Cleaning fees

    A cleaning fee is a one-time additional fee for cleaning the space you stay in. This fee is set by the Hosts.